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HBACA Safety Awareness

The HBACA Safety Committee is a group of builders and subcontractors that meet to discuss various safety and worker health-related topics, including new safety products, upcoming safety classes, and OSHA policies. In addition, the group shares experiences and information regarding safety trends affecting our industry and market.

As a part of the HBACA Safety Committee, the committee designates specific safety awareness months throughout the year. Each month, the HBACA encourages member companies and employees to use the following Awareness Kits to learn more about working safely.

For questions about the HBACA Safety Committee or workplace safety, please contact James at (602) 274-6545 or

Members are reminded that this information is offered for educational purposes only and is not intended to serve as a total project safety program or as a substitute for federal, state, or local laws and regulations.

Learn More About HBACA

Early Power/Lockout/Tagout - March 2025

March is Early Power/Lockout/Tagout Month. Preventing the hazardous release of energy from machinery or equipment that is either malfunctioning or otherwise not intended for use is a key component of a successful lockout/tagout program.

Adding all applicable lockout/tagout devices and signage will keep employees safe and facilitate safe repair, replacement, or removal of the machinery or equipment.

Throughout the month, the HBACA is encouraging each of its member companies to learn more about Early Power/Lockout/Tagout.

Personal Protective Equipment - February 2025

February is Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Month. PPE not only protects you from physical injuries, but can also protect your health by preventing illness. Throughout the month, the HBACA is encouraging each of its member companies to learn more about PPE.

Toolbox Talks - January 2025

January's safety topic is a focus on Toolbox Talks. Frequent toolbox talks are an important way to keep safety at the forefront on the jobsite by engaging employees, raising awareness of evolving hazards, and promoting safety. Throughout the month, the HBACA is encouraging each of its member companies to learn more about Toolbox Talks.

Mental Health Awareness & Safety at Home Month - December 2024

The Safety Committee has designated December 2024 as Mental Health Awareness and Safety at Home Month.

According to the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB), “Construction workers are particularly susceptible to mental health issues and suicide – which is a silent killer in construction. The most common mental health problems are anxiety and depression. Workers are less safe on the jobsite when struggling with mental health issues.”

Ladder Safety - November 2024

November is Ladder Safety Month. From choosing the right ladder for the right task, to inspecting ladders for damage and proper training, there are many important pointers and requirements to follow.

Silica - October 2024

October is Silica Awareness Month with a focus on the importance of safety measures when workers are at risk for exposure to crystalline silica. According to Federal OSHA, workers who inhale these very small crystalline silica particles are at increased risk of developing serious silica-related diseases, including: Silicosis, an incurable lung disease that can lead to disability and death; lung cancer; chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD); and kidney disease.

Hazard Identification Month - September 2024

September is Hazard Identification Month with important tips and reminders from VW Connect on how to perform a workplace hazard exam, what to look for during the exam, and what to do when a hazard is identified. Utilizing the acronym SLAM (Stop, Look, Analyze, Manage) is key to identifying and eliminating hazards in the workplace. Learn how to recognize, evaluate, and address hazards and much more in the presentation from VW Connect.

According to Federal OSHA, “one of the ‘root causes’ of workplace injuries, illnesses, and incidents is the failure to identify or recognize hazards that are present, or that could have been anticipated. A critical element of any effective safety and health program is a proactive, ongoing process to identify and assess such hazards.” Learn more by visiting Safety Management - Hazard Identification and Assessment | Occupational Safety and Health Administration (

Scaffolding Safety - August 2024

The month of August is scaffolding safety month and there are many available resources to utilize to maximize workplace safety.

Whether the scaffolds are supported or suspended, it is important to adhere to the rules, tagging, and checklists to keep workers safe both on the scaffolding and beneath it anywhere in the vicinity of the project.

New Employee Safety - July 2024

This month’s Safety Committee theme is New Employee Safety. A key component to a successful workplace safety culture is ensuring that new employees are trained to become a seamless part of that safety culture.

Thank you to Ashton Woods/Starlight Homes for the following presentation on new employee safety.

Trench and Excavation Safety - June 2024

This month’s Safety Committee theme is Trench and Excavation Safety. The U.S. Occupational Safety & Health Administration reports that 39 workers died in trenching and excavation work in 2022, which is an increase from the previous year and the most since 2005 according to data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics and OSHA. Trench collapses or cave-ins are a significant risk for workers and can be prevented through proper planning, equipment, and knowledge.

The Brewer team provided some extremely valuable information in the below PowerPoint. The safety videos from the Job Safety Institute/National Housing Endowment/NAHB in English and Spanish are on slides 27 and 29.

Fall Protection - May 2024

The HBACA is excited to announce that May is Fall Protection Safety Month. To help, the HBACA Safety Committee has created a sample awareness kit. All builders and trade partners are able to join in Valley wide Safety Stand Down events the week of May 6, 2024. In addition, feel free to break out the training topics throughout the month.

Heat Safety - April 2024

April is Heat Safety Awareness Month. Throughout the month, the HBACA is encouraging each of its member companies to learn more about working safely in the Arizona heat. To help, the HBACA Safety Committee has created a sample awareness kit. The kit includes information on the Arizona Desert Climate, Exposure to High Temperatures, Heat Illness Prevention and Resources. In addition, it outlines action items and events scheduled throughout the month, including our Heat Safety Stand Down Events the week of April 8.

Early Power and Lock-out / Tag-out - March 2024

March is Early Power & Lock-out/Tag-out Safety Awareness Month. Throughout the month, the HBACA encourages each of its member companies and employees to learn more about Early Power & Lock-out/Tag-out in residential construction.  The sample awareness kits outline Early Power and Lock-out / Tag-out safety action items, including a member-wide Safety Stand Down, taking place the week of March 11.

Personal Protective Equipment - February 2024

February is Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Month. Throughout the month, the HBACA is encouraging each of its member companies to learn more about PPE. To help, the HBACA Safety Committee has created a sample awareness kit. The kit includes a PPE overview that includes OSHA Quickcards and FactSheet and a PPE Training Guide with strategies. In addition, it outlines the action items and events scheduled throughout the month, including our PPE Stand Down Events the week of February 12.

Toolbox Talks - January 2024

January is Toolbox Talks Awareness Month. Throughout the month, the HBACA is encouraging each of its member companies to learn more about Toolbox Talks To help, the HBACA Safety Committee has created a sample awareness kit. The kit includes Why do we do Toolbox Talks and Tailgate Meetings? What do we talk about during Toolbox Talks and Tailgate Meetings? What resources are available to prepare for Toolbox Talks and Tailgate Meetings? Tips for running a successful talk/meeting. In addition, it outlines the action items and events scheduled throughout the month, including our ToolBox Talk Stand Down Events the week of January 15.

Ladder Safety - November 2023

The HBACA announced that November is Ladder Safety Awareness Month. We are encouraging all our members to spend time with their employees discussing ladder safety checklists, selecting the right ladder for the job, ordering replacement stickers, and using step stools. To help, the HBACA Safety Committee has created a sample awareness kit. The sample awareness kit outlines ladder safety action items, including a member-wide Safety Stand Down, taking place the week of November 13.

Hazard Identification - September 2023

The HBACA announced that September is Hazard Identification Safety Awareness Month. We are encouraging all our members to spend time with their employees talking about identifying hazards while on the job site. To help, the HBACA Safety Committee has created a sample awareness kit. The sample awareness kit outlines hazard identification action items, including a member-wide Safety Stand Down, taking place the week of September 18.

Scaffold Safety Awareness - August 2023

The HBACA announced that August is Scaffold Safety Awareness Month. We are encouraging all our members to spend time with their employees talking about safely using scaffolding while on the job site. To help, the HBACA Safety Committee has created a sample awareness kit. The sample awareness kit outlines scaffold action items, including a member-wide Safety Stand Down, taking place the week of August 14.

New Employee Safety Awareness - July 2023

The HBACA announced that July is New Employee Safety Awareness Month. We are encouraging all our members to spend time with their employees talking about orienting new employees on how to stay safe while on the job site.  To help, the HBACA Safety Committee has created a sample awareness kit. The sample awareness kit outlines New Employee action items, including a member-wide Safety Stand Down, taking place the week of July 10.

Trench Safety Awareness - June 2023


The HBACA is excited to announce that June is Trench Safety Awareness Month. We are encouraging all our members to spend time with their employees to go over the dangers of working in trenches. To help, the HBACA Safety Committee has created a sample awareness kit. The sample awareness kit outlines Fall Protection action items, including a member-wide Safety Stand Down, taking place the week of June 12.

Fall Protection Safety Awareness - May 2023

The HBACA is excited to announce that May is Fall Protection Awareness Month. We are encouraging all our members to spend time with their employees to go over the dangers of working on elevated surfaces. To help, the HBACA Safety Committee has created a sample awareness kit. The sample awareness kit outlines Fall Protection action items, including a member-wide Safety Stand Down, taking place the week of May 15.

Heat Safety Awareness - April 2023

The HBACA is excited to announce that April is Heat Awareness Month. Throughout the month, the HBACA encourages each of its member companies and employees to learn more about working safely in the Arizona heat. To help, the HBACA Safety Committee has created a sample awareness kit. The sample awareness kit outlines Heat safety action items, including a member-wide Safety Stand Down, taking place the week of April 17.

Early Power and Lock-out / Tag-out - March 2023

The HBACA is excited to announce that March is Early Power & Lock-out/Tag-out Safety Awareness Month. Throughout the month, the HBACA encourages each of its member companies and employees to learn more about Early Power & Lock-out/Tag-out in residential construction. To help, the HBACA Safety Committee has created a sample awareness kit. The sample awareness kit outlines PPE safety action items, including a member-wide Safety Stand Down, taking place the week of March 13.

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) - February 2023

February is PPE Awareness Month. Throughout the month, the HBACA is encouraging each of its member companies to learn more about using PPE to help protect themselves on a job site. To help, the HBACA Safety Committee has created a sample awareness kit. The kit includes OSHA Quickcards and a FactSheet, a comprehensive OSHA overview and a training guide. In addition, it outlines the action items and events scheduled throughout the month, including our PPE Stand Down Events the week of February 13.

Toolbox Talks - January 2023

January is Toolbox Talks Awareness Month. Throughout the month, the HBACA is encouraging each of its member companies to learn more about Toolbox Talks To help, the HBACA Safety Committee has created a sample awareness kit. The kit includes Why do we do Toolbox Talks and Tailgate Meetings? What do we talk about during Toolbox Talks and Tailgate Meetings? What resources are available to prepare for Toolbox Talks and Tailgate Meetings? Tips for running a successful talk/meeting. In addition, it outlines the action items and events scheduled throughout the month, including our ToolBox Talk Stand Down Events the week of January 16.

Ladder Safety Awareness - November 2022

November is Ladder Safety Awareness Month. Throughout the month, the HBACA is encouraging each of its member companies to learn more about ladder safety. To help, the HBACA Safety Committee has created a sample awareness kit. The kit includes a ladder safety checklists, information on selecting the right ladder for the job and ordering replacement stickers . In addition, it outlines the action items and events scheduled throughout the month, including our Ladder Safety Awareness Stand Down Events the week of November 14.

Silica Awareness - October 2022

October is Silica Safety Awareness Month. Throughout the month, the HBACA is encouraging each of its member companies to learn more about safely avoiding exposure to silica dust. To help, the HBACA Safety Committee has created a sample awareness kit. The kit includes information on silica related illnesses, creating a silica plan, and proper engineering controls. In addition, it outlines the action items and events scheduled throughout the month, including our Silica Awareness Stand Down Events the week of October 17.

Scaffolding Safety Awareness - August 2022

August is Scaffolding Safety Awareness. Throughout the month, the HBACA is encouraging each of its member companies and employees to learn more about scaffolding safety in residential construction. To help, the HBACA Safety Committee has created a sample awareness kit. The sample awareness kit outlines scaffolding safety action items, including a member-wide Safety Stand Down, taking place the week of August 15.

Driving Safety Awareness - July 2022

July is Driving Safety Awareness Month. Throughout the month, the HBACA encourages each of its member companies and employees to learn more about safe driving. To help, the HBACA Safety Committee has created a sample awareness kit. The sample awareness kit outlines driving safety action items, including a member-wide Safety Stand Down, taking place the week of July 18, 2022.

Trench Safety Awareness - June 2022

The HBACA is excited to announce that June is Trench Safety Awareness Month. Throughout the month, the HBACA encourages each of its member companies and employees to learn more about tench safety. To help, the HBACA Safety Committee has created a sample awareness kit. The sample awareness kit outlines heat safety action items, including a member-wide Safety Stand Down, taking place the week of June 13, 2022.

Heat Awareness - April 2022

The HBACA is excited to announce that April is Heat Safety Awareness Month. Throughout the month, the HBACA encourages each of its member companies and employees to learn more about working safely in the Arizona heat in residential construction. To help, the HBACA Safety Committee has created a sample awareness kit. The sample awareness kit outlines heat safety action items, including a member-wide Safety Stand Down, taking place the week of April 18, 2022.

Early Power and Lock-out / Tag-out - March 2022

The HBACA is excited to announce that March is Early Power & Lock-out/Tag-out Safety Awareness Month. Throughout the month, the HBACA encourages each of its member companies and employees to learn more about Early Power & Lock-out/Tag-out in residential construction. To help, the HBACA Safety Committee has created a sample awareness kit. The sample awareness kit outlines PPE safety action items, including a member-wide Safety Stand Down, taking place the week of March 14, 2022.

PPE Safety - February

The HBACA is excited to announce that February is PPE Safety Awareness Month. Throughout the month, the HBACA encourages each of its member companies and employees to learn more about properly using PPE in residential construction. To help, the HBACA Safety Committee has created a sample awareness kit. The sample awareness kit outlines PPE safety action items, including a member-wide Safety Stand Down, taking place the week of February 14, 2022.

Ladder Safety - November

The HBACA is excited to announce that November is Ladder Safety Awareness Month. Throughout the month, the HBACA encourages each of its member companies and employees to learn more about ladder safety in residential construction. To help, the HBACA Safety Committee has created a sample awareness kit. The sample awareness kit outlines ladder safety action items, including a member-wide Safety Stand Down, taking place the week of November 15, 2021.

Silica Safety - October

The HBACA is excited to announce that October is Silica Safety Awareness Month. Throughout the month, the HBACA encourages each of its member companies and employees to learn more about silica safety in residential construction. To help, the HBACA Safety Committee has created a sample awareness kit. The sample awareness kit outlines silica safety action items, including a member-wide Safety Stand Down, taking place the week of October 18, 2021.

Hazard Identification - September

The HBACA is excited to announce that September is Hazard Identification Awareness Month. Throughout the month, the HBACA is encouraging each of its member companies and employees to learn more about hazard identification in residential construction. To help, the HBACA Safety Committee has created a sample awareness kit. The sample awareness kit outlines hazard identification action items, including a member-wide Safety Stand Down, taking place the week of September 13, 2021.

Scaffolding Safety - August 2021

The HBACA is excited to announce that August is Scaffolding Safety Awareness Month. Throughout the month, the HBACA is encouraging each of its member companies and employees to learn more about scaffolding safety in residential construction. To help, the HBACA Safety Committee has created a sample awareness kit. The sample awareness kit outlines scaffolding safety action items, including a member-wide Safety Stand Down, taking place between the weeks of August 9 and August 20, 2021.

Trench Safety - July 2021

The HBACA is excited to announce that July is Trench Safety Awareness Month. Throughout the month, the HBACA is encouraging each of its member companies and employees to learn more about trench safety in residential construction. To help, the HBACA Safety Committee has created a sample awareness kit. The sample awareness kit outlines trench safety action items, including a member-wide Safety Stand Down, taking place during the week of July 19, 2021.

Struck By Safety - June 2021

The HBACA is excited to announce that June is Struck By Safety Month. Throughout the month, the HBACA is encouraging each of its member companies and employees to learn more about struck by safety in residential construction. To help, the HBACA Safety Committee has created a sample awareness kit. The sample awareness kit outlines struck by safety action items, including a member-wide Safety Stand Down, taking place during the week of June 14, 2021.

Fall Safety - May 2021

The HBACA is excited to announce that May is Fall Safety Month. Throughout the month of September, the HBACA is encouraging each of its member companies and employees to learn more about fall protection and prevention in residential construction. To help, the HBACA Safety Committee has created the attached sample awareness kit for our members. The kit includes information on fall protection requirements, fall distance and swing fall and fall protection serviceability. Our Fall Safety Awareness month will kick off with a week of Stand Downs to Prevent Falls during the week of May 3 through May 7. This will coincide with the Federal OSHA Stand Down Week.

Heat Safety - April 2021

The HBACA is excited to announce that April is Heat Safety Awareness Month. Throughout the month, the HBACA is encouraging each of its member companies and employees to learn more about heat safety in residential construction. To help, the HBACA Safety Committee has created a sample awareness kit. The sample awareness kit outlines heat safety action items, including a member-wide Safety Stand Down, taking place during the week of April 19, 2021.

Early Power and Lock-out / Tag-out - March 2021

Scaffolding Safety - December 2020

The HBACA is excited to announce that December is Scaffolding Safety Month. Throughout the month, the HBACA is encouraging each of its member companies and employees to learn more about scaffolding safety in residential construction. To help, the HBACA Safety Committee has created the attached sample awareness kit for our members. The kit includes the following information, a safety walkaround checklist, NAHB Scaffold Safety, and CPWR Hazard Alert. In addition, it outlines the action items and event schedule throughout the month, including our Scaffolding Safety Stand Down event on Wednesday, December 16 at 9:00 am.

Ladder Safety - November 2020

The HBACA is excited to announce that November is Ladder Safety Month. Throughout the month, the HBACA is encouraging each of its member companies and employees to learn more about ladder safety in residential construction. To help, the HBACA Safety Committee has created the attached sample awareness kit for our members. The kit includes information on safe ladder use, choosing the proper ladder, and new phone apps to help with ladder safety. In addition, it outlines the action items and event schedule throughout the month, including our Ladder Safety Stand Down event on Wednesday, November 18 at 9:00 am.

Fall Safety - September 2020

The HBACA is excited to announce that September is Fall Safety Month. Throughout the month of September, the HBACA is encouraging each of its member companies and employees to learn more about fall protection in residential construction. To help, the HBACA Safety Committee has created the attached sample awareness kit for our members. The kit includes information on fall protection requirements, fall distance and swing fall and fall protection serviceability. In addition, it outlines the action items and event schedule throughout the month, including our Fall Safety Awareness week of September 14.

Silica - July 2020

The HBACA is excited to announce that July is Silica Awareness Month. Throughout the month of July, the HBACA is encouraging each of its member companies and employees to learn more about safely avoiding exposure to silica dust. To help, the HBACA Safety Committee has created the attached sample awareness kit for our members. The kit includes information on silica related illnesses, creating a silica plan, and proper engineering controls. In addition, it outlines the action items and event schedule throughout the month, including our Silica Awareness Stand Down event on Wednesday, July 29 at 10:00 am.

Heat Awareness - May 2020

The HBACA is excited to announce that May is Heat Safety Awareness Month. Throughout the month of May, the HBACA is encouraging each of its member companies and employees to learn more about safely working in the Arizona Heat. To help, the HBACA Safety Committee has created the attached sample awareness kit for our members. The kit includes information on heat injury and illness, as well as, information on “water, rest, shade”. In addition, it outlines the action items and event schedule throughout the month, including our Heat Awareness Stand Down on May 6 at 10:00 am.

Struck By - March 2020

The HBACA is excited to announce that March is “Struck By” Safety Awareness Month. Throughout the month of March, the HBACA is encouraging each of its member companies and employees to learn more about safely working around moving vehicles and falling and flying objects. To help, the HBACA Safety Committee has created the attached sample awareness kit for our members. The kit includes information on protective safety equipment, avoiding moving vehicles and falling/flying objects, and distracted driving. In addition, it outlines the action items and event schedule throughout the month, including our “Struck By” Stand Down on March 25.

Trench and Excavation - February 2020

In the third of a series of Safety Awareness months, the HBACA is excited to announce that February is Trench and Excavation Safety Awareness Month. To help, the HBACA Safety Committee has created the attached sample awareness kit for our members. The kit includes information on protective safety equipment, accessing trenches, causes of cave-ins, and different soil types. In addition, it outlines the action items and event schedule throughout the month, including our Trench and Excavation Safety Stand Down on February 24, 2020.

Early Power and Lock-out / Tag-out - January 2020

In the second of a series of Safety Awareness months, the HBACA is excited to announce that January is Early Power and Lock-out/Tag-out Safety Awareness Month. To help, the HBACA Safety Committee has created a sample awareness kit for our members. In addition, it outlines the action items and event schedule throughout the month, including our an Electrical Cord Safety Stand Down on January 16, 2020.

Electrical Cord Safety - December 2019

In the first of a series of Safety Awareness months, the HBACA is excited to announce that December is Electrical and Flexible Cord Safety Awareness Month. To help, the HBACA Safety Committee has created a sample awareness kit for our members. In addition, it outlines the action items and event schedule throughout the month, including our first Electrical Cord Safety Stand Down on December 16, 2019.